

무말랭이 2022. 7. 20. 22:09

간만에 다시 시작하는 유폰

작문 시간을 늘리자.
7문장 정도는 쓰고 (600자)
뭔가 이상한 것들은 검색해서 공부하고
하나도 틀린게 나오지 않는 정교한 글을 쓰기 위해 노력하자.
강의 전에 30분 이상은 작문한다고 생각하자.


conduct 수행하다.
jump on the bandwagon 시류에 편승하다.
whopping 엄청 큰 [오핑;와핑]
renowned 유명한


Q. What are the benefits and drawbacks of going to virtual concerts?


There are many various concerts or another activities in real world.
Virtual concerts could have benefits like transcendence of time-and-space.
But so far, the infrastructure, technology and contents are didn't developed enough.
For example, there not exist sense of immersion and rich interaction.
So, I believe that the timing that virtual concert can win the real concert is later.


There are many various kinds of concerts or another and other activities in real world.
Virtual concerts could have benefits like transcendence of time and space.
But so far, the infrastructure, technology, and contents are didn't developed enough.
For example, there not exist sense of immersion and rich interaction. = there is no immersion and rich interaction

So I believe that the timing that virtual concert can win the real concert is later. = the time for virtual concerts can win over real concerts later on.



have, has, had

- 3인칭 단수만 has
- have의 과거는 무조건 had


preposition 전치사

확신할 수 없다
I'm not sure/certain
I'm not fully aware of that.

be assured


대중적인 popular
대중문화 pop(ular) culture