너무 자유도가 높으니깐
lending and borrowing money 금전문제
put some distance 둘 사이를 멀어지게 하다.
unknowingly 모르고
friendly argument 선의의 논쟁
Q. How often do you get into an argument with your friends?
I usually don't get into a trouble and make some argument with friends and also girlfriend,
because I could put up with and think 'That's possible.' in almost situation. That's a big advantage.
But, in certain circumstance, there is a situation that some uncomfortable communication are needed.
I can bear that uncomfortableness, because I put rich communication before temporary feeling.
- 1.I know the ropes.
- 1.I learned the ropes.
- 1.get[learn] the knack[hang]
- 1.get the knack of reading
tolerate = put up with
examination period = review period
im reviewing for my midterm exam.
Junior, Older alumnus
도움을 요청하다 Ask for help.
누적되다 accumulate
호전적이다 be belligerent
대접하다 serve
호의를 베풀다 do sb a favor
I had fun talking to you!
while he's drunk. (not, drunken.)
I burst into anger.
I exploded into anger.
When a problem is combined with miscommunication and misunderstanding it will result to an argument.