
Big tech's supersized ambitions

무말랭이 2022. 2. 27. 07:00


[Supersized ambitions]

America's tech giants are spending heroic sums in an effort to stay on top. Good


ambition 야망 포부 야심 의욕

supersize 확대하다

heroic 영웅적인 투지넘치는 용감무쌍한

sum 액수, 합계, 총합


[The parable of Boris Johnson, British politics]

And what is says about the contry he governs


govern 통치하다 다스리다 좌우하다 지배하다


[Momentum is building for war, Russia and Ukraine]

Vladimir Putin is courting disaster for Russia's neighbour - and himself.


court 법정, 법원, 법정에 있는 사람들, 환심을 사려고 하다, 얻으려고 하다.

court disaster 재앙을 자초하다.


[From hero to zero, China's economy]

Today's policies on property and the pandemic are becoming harder for China to sustain.


[Food for thought, Culture and its discontents]

Our new Culture section is a sign of the times.


discontents 불만, 불만스러운것, 불만족스러운사람들

sign 상징

sign of times 시대의 상징


[Fuelling the green transition]

An analysis of energy research over the past 60 years reveals waves of innovation.

But are they enough to reach net-zero?


[Big tech's private passions]

America's largest technology firms are investing a truly huge amount.

We assess what they are trying to achieve


[Battling the superbugs, Health]

Drug-resistant infections kill close to 1.3m people a year.

To see why, look at South Asia.


1.3m = 130만


[A kingdom cut off]

The scale of the damage remains unclear.


cut off 차단

remain unclear 불분명하다.


[Mud on mud, South Korea's presidential election]

Voters do not think much of either of the two main candidates.


mud 진흙

mud on mud 진흙 위 진흙 (진흙탕 싸움 같은 표현인듯)

think much 중요하게 생각하다.


[A captain walks]

Virat Kohli, India's most successful Test cricket captain, steps down


step down 사임하다


[Because I say so, Australia]

Novak Djokovic's deportation sets a troubling precedent


deportation 추방 국외추방 이송 수송

precedent 선례 판례 전례 관례


[Year of the absent tiger, Banyan]

Asia is reopening to foreign tourists, but Chinese ones are staying away


stay away 멀리하다

Chinese ones (이렇게도 쓰는구나)


[How propaganda became watchable, Art and party]

Patriotic blockbusters are so entertaining people willingly buy tickets


watchable 볼만한, 볼 재미가 있는

patriotic 애국

willingly 기꺼이


[Speaking in tongues, Regional cinema]

A film in Shanghai dialect is a surprise hit


dialect 방언 사투리 = accent, idiolect


[Egalitarianism revisited]

The Communist Party tries to keep the stressed middle class onside


Egalitarianism 평등주의

Communist Party 공산당

onside 바른위치의 <-> offside

get/keep sb onside ~의 지지를 받다/계속 받다


[Help wanted, now and in the future, Labour shortages]

Even as the pandemic ebbs, the pool of potential workers in America may be permanently smaller than once assumed


Help wanted 구인난

now and in the future 현재와 미래의


ebb 썰물, 빠지다, 썰물이되다, 서서히 사그러지다, 약해지다

a craze = fad (열광적인) 대유행

all the cry (일시적인) 대유행


[Money, money, money - Guaranteed-income programmes]

The pilot schemes look promising. Scaling them up will be harder


Guaranteed-income programmes 기본소득제

pilot scheme 시범 계획


[Annette gets her guns, Gun-owners]

Concerns over safety lead more women and minorities to arm themselves


arm 무장하다


[Pole dance, Flags and free speech]

The Supreme Court looks askance at Boston's refusal to fly a Christian flag


Flags and free speech 깃발 그리고 언론의 자유

look askance 의문을 제기하다

fly a flag 깃발을 게양하다


[One mistake after another, Voting rights and wrongs]

Joe Biden's push for a voting-rights laws was futile - and the proposals misguided


misguided = inappropriate

rights and wrongs 옳고그름, 시비

voting-rights 투표권


[The worst of the best?, Evaluating America]

Biden pessimists v Trump optimists


pessimist 비관론자

optimist 낙관론자


[Funnier than thou, Politial humour]

As Christian conservatives take to satire, some are missing the joke


thou 당신 you를의미하는단수주어형태

conseervative 보수주의자

satire 풍자


[Merrick Garland and his critics, Lexington]

The attorney-general needs to bolster the Department of Justice's defences against Trumpism


critic 비평가, 평론가

attorney-general 법무장관

Department of Justice 법무부

bolster 강화하다


[Omicron comes to Mexico, Covid-19]

A country that never really shut down has already seen 600,000 excess deaths


deaths 사상자


[Bills be damned, Health care in Mexico]

Mexico's president tries to improve treatment without paying


improve treatment 처우를 개선하다


[Clamping down, Cuba]

The Communist regime charges pro-democracy protesters


clamp down 단속하다

regime 고발하다

charge 청구하다, 요금, 외상, 외상으로 달아두다

pro-democracy 친민주주의

protester 시위자


[Protecting the deep blue sea, Ecuador]

Guillermo Lasso's balancing act between conservation and cash


balancing 균형


[Welcome back, Jews in the Arab world]

Why Arab autocrats are encouraging a Jewish revival


Welcome back 환영합니다

autocrat 독재자

autocracy 독재

revival 부흥


[Torturers on trial, Human rights]

Despots won't prosecute their own henchmen. So victims seek justice abroad


torturer 고문관

trial 재판

despot 폭군

prosecute 기소하다

henchmen 부하


[Full of tension, Bahrain]

Sunnis and Shias remain as far apart as ever


Bahrain 바레인

Sunnis and Shias 수니파와 시아파


[Soot, loot, reboot, Coal in South Africa]

Weaning the country off its main energy source is proving tricky


coal 석탄

soot 그을음, 숨바꼭질(hide-and-seek)

loot 약탈, 전리품

reboot 재시동

wean off 단념시키다

proving (prove) 입증하다(=proof) 증명하다 판명되다 드러나다(=turn out)

tricky 다루기 힘든, 까다로운, 곤란한, 교묘한(=crafty)


[Potions for prudes, Nigeria's sex industry]

Nigeria's conservative north is overflowing with aphrodisiacs


potion 포션, 물약

prude 가시가 없는

aphorodisiac 항불안증

aphorodisiacs 항불안제



















































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