

무말랭이 2022. 8. 8. 21:40

Good Things About Coffee




Poison though caffeine is, you do still develop an addiction to this stuff.

wimpy = wimpish = 겁이 많은

withdrawal 철회, 취소, 철수, 회수, 탈퇴, 기권, 인출

rapid withdrawl 급성 금단증상

cranky 기이한, 짜증을내는

wicked 못된, 사악한, 짓궃은, 장난기있는

psychoactive 정신에 작용하는

placebo 플라시보

replicable in a laboratory 실험실에서 반복 가능한

contrary to popular belief 속설에 반하여

cardiovascular 심혈관의

depressant 우울한

stimulant 흥분제

intellectual boon 지적인 잇점

faustian bargain

파우스트식 거래(돈, 성공, 권력을 바라고 옳지 못한 일을 하기로 동의하는 것)

migraines 편두통

guilt-free 죄책감을 느끼지 않는

ingestion 섭취




Do you think coffee lovers should eventually quit or lessen their intake of their favorite drink?

What is the best way to do that?




대체재 replacement goods

보강재 Reinforcement




소화불량 indigestion

반의어 antonym

유의어 synonym


reduction 감소

energizer 에너자이저

americano = black coffee


low attention span



money doesn't grow on tree.

= money is limited.


It makes me become clear headed.

= good attention.

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