

무말랭이 2022. 8. 1. 22:07

The power of smiling.







기침 cough


갈등 conflict

[명사] conflict, (formal) strife, (formal) discord, (formal) dissension; (반목) feud


성향 Propensity

오컴의면도날 The simpler, the better.

next next weekend = after two weeks.


I'm going to fool around.

loaf[idle, laze, dawdle, snooze] one's time away; loaf; idle; loiter; lounge;

[미속어] fiddle-fart; be on the loaf; lead an idle life.


resort = 리소트; 리조트;

다소 somewhat, a little, a bit, to a certain degree

beaming 빛나는; 기쁨에 넘친, 희색이 만면한, 밝은


분양 parcel out


가설 hypothesis

It is only my guess.


외향적인 extroverted, outgoing.

분위기 atmosphere, mood, air, ambience




오컴의 면도날

The simpler, the better.




some proverb of smiling : 

smiling is contagious.

never say die = don't give up

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