

무말랭이 2022. 5. 10. 21:34

Reaching the Plateau




assess 평가하다

prowess 기량, 솜씨 = expertise

embody 포함하다

oxidize 산화시키다, 녹슬게 하다




S.M.A.R.T. method













내 영어 공부의 목적은 무엇이지?

- 내게 닥치는 Writing 상황에서 잘 대처할 수 있는 것

- 내게 닥치는 Listening/Speaking 상황에서 잘 대처할 수 있는 것

- 공인영어성적을 잘 받는 것.


생각해보니 너무 추상적인 것도 맞네.




bring about

= cause.

- That's because new attempts bring about change.



- It is a learning guide that allows you to maximize your prowess.




Q. Why do you want to improve your English skills even more?




I want to be a person who have a confidence in English.

The phenomena of globalization are accelerated in very fast speed.

Cause of internet or another protocols, more people meet in online.

Also, I do a bussiness, it affect me by a lot of ways.

So I feel pressure about the situation and also I feel greed to get nice prowess.

I want to communication by (1) Wiriting (2) Reading and (3) Listening,

and also I want to get a nice score in the test like TOEIC and OPIC.

During writing this article, I felt it is too wide, vast and ambiguous goal. I think I need to set.





(복수형 : phenomena, phenomenons)




check up

  • 1.…을 대조하다, …의 진위를 확인하다((on)); …의 건강 진단을 하다


  • 1.(무엇이 제대로 되어 있는지안전한지 등을) 살피다[점검하다]
  • 2.(무엇의 진위사실 여부를) 알아보다[확인하다] (→cross-check, double-check)
  • 3.확인, 점검 (→reality check)
  • 4.조사, 수사
  • 5.좋아, 됐어(서로 확인해 나가는 사항에 대한 긍정적인 대답)

dental check-up

  • 1.치과 검진





make surety


보증을 서다

  • 1.stand surety (for)

보증을 서다

  • 1.guarantee[underwrite] sb's debt

연대보증을 서다

  • 1.stand joint[collective] surety (for a loan)





10분 복습

20분 예습



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