

무말랭이 2022. 2. 9. 10:57



어휘가 얼마나 풍부하느냐가 매우 중요한 이슈로 느껴진다.

어떤 풍부하고 다양한 내용을 말하고자 하는지가 중요할듯

그 과정에서 말듣쓰가 되는지 체킹하는지가 중요하지

비어있는 쉬운 내용을 갖고 그 작업을 하는건 낮은 가치를 가질듯.




Making first contact.


sales representative 판매 담당자

representative 대표 / 대리인, 외판원, 담당자 / 대표하는 / 전형적인

a representative sample of teachers

colleague 동료

College friendship. 대학동창

a colleague of mine from the office 내 사무실 동료들 중 한 명

As it happens, = luckily = fortunately = coincidentally = 공교롭게도

I'll be in the vicinity of your office this afternoon.

Manufacturing industry. 제조업

in the middle of a meeting.

If you like, 괜찮다면

stop by 잠깐 들르다

substantially 훨씬

Would you mind calling me back after launch.




It's similar. 비슷하네요

I work online at home.

are discussing the supply problem. (talking about the issue -> discuss the problem)

I arrange a lot of meeting.


sample = specimen = model

the supply-demand curve 

the relationship between supply-demand.

supply = reserve = provision

critical subject = important issue.


affiliation 소속

Loan 대출

to take out/repay a loan


I'll think about it.

= Give me some time.= I'll give it some thought.


Certainly 물론입니다.

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