

무말랭이 2022. 2. 21. 22:59

새로운 회사 들어가니 정신이 없어서

1주일 통채로 바이바이! 다시 리겜 고고.


예습은 리스닝 및 스피킹 짧게. 예습은 Writing 비중을 늘린다.




hold seminar/event


It's Halon from Interway Investment.

Could we find a time to meet and discuss this?

Would Monday the 18th be convenient for you?

Would any other day that week work for you?

I'm wide open on Wednesday and Thursday.

Do either of these days suit you?

Let's make it Thursday the 21st, then. Say, 9:30.

We shouldn't need more than about two hours.

Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30 it is.




map out 계획하다.


잘못 이해함

I misunderstood.


I misunderstood your instructions.

I misinterpreted the question.


이런 것들이 해당할 수 있을 것 같다.

I think these things will apply.



recall, remember





to draw up a list.


matter of course.


be on time.

show respect


한두번쯤이야 괜찮음

It's okay once or twice.



point out



Thank you for answering my question.


마음을 먹거나 다짐한 것 만으로 기를 수 있는 능력이 아니다.

It is not the ability to raise just by making up your mind or making a commitment.


상황에 따라 다르다

It depends on the situation.

That all depends.



Job group




Jinx! [징크스] 찌찌뽕!





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