그나저나 The Economist는 왜 아직도 안와? ㅇㅅㅇ...
Writing에 들이는 시간이 내겐 도움이 많이 되는듯하다.
Writing을 했을때와 안했을때의 느낌차이가 매우 큼.
Would you be able to partly cover any extra storage costs?
= partly cover costs 분담하다.
We can't pay for storage on top of that.
= on top of that. 게다가
place the order
but I'll make an exeption this time.
I really appreciate your flexibility.
공정성 Fairness
~라는 점에서 in terms of
도매 Wholesale
소매 Retail
유통 Distribution
편의점 Convenience store
창고형 슈퍼마켓 Warehouse supermarket
중장비 Heavy equipment.
팔렛트 (Plastic) pallet
산재하다. Scatter
decide 결정하다
즉각적으로 Immediately.
field 업계
I cannot come up 'with' the word.
적용하다 apply
그 자체로 in itself
추상적인 Abstract
방금전의 just
As I said before, 방금 이야기를 했듯이
도착 arrival
도착일정 delivery date
유통사 Distributor.
물리적인 한계 Physical limitations
제공하다 Provide.
polish a sentece.
Calling the seller can solve the problem.
Get in touch with the seller, ~
선입선출 First-come, first-served.
재고관리 inventory control
택배기사 Delivery man.
이미 엎질러진 물이다. It's no use crying over spilt milk.
상황에 따라 다르겠지만 It depends on the situation.
그건 상황에 따라 다르죠. That all depends.
If the customer are thinking about between buying and not buying. I think it is a golden time. If we suggest a price discount or any other advantage, the customer will be tempted. Just in case that happens, We can in advance make pricing strategy or make repertoire like time attack. From this point of view, telemarketing is too difficult compared to digital marketing.