

무말랭이 2022. 7. 20. 22:11

오늘은 영어보다 대화주제 그 자체가 너무 흥미로웠다 ㅋ
Everything is possible. (in metaverse)


어제 피드백

have concert (XXX make concert)
devoted to (XXX devoted on)


quirky 별난, 기이한
pipe dream 몽상


Q. In what ways will you take advantage of a virtual world?



Because of this question, I could recall the reason why I like the virtual world.
The reason is because of high degrees of freedom. We can do anyting and everything.
I like the game named of 'VRChat'. It is metaverse openworld game.
In that world, we can do really everything (except for some limitation of platform.)
Someone can wonder and ask me a question 'what is the area of everything?'
The game can customize avatar, map and any other many objects.




- 연결된 단어는 하이픈으로 이어준다.

- 한국어와는 다르게 병렬 및 나열 관계에서 and 앞에도 쉼표 쓴다.


Because of this question, I could recall the reason why I like the virtual worlds.
The reason is because of high degrees of freedom.

We can do anything and everything. = Anything and everything can be done there.

I like the game named of called 'VRChat'. It is metaverse open-world game.
In that world, we can do really do everything (except for some limitations of platforms.)
Someone can wonder and ask me a question 'What is the area of everything?'
In the game, avatars, maps, and many other objects can be customized.




not ready

'외국어 > 영어(유폰)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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