

무말랭이 2022. 3. 4. 22:27

주제를 '광고 내 표현'으로 바꿈.

확실히 '비즈니스' 영어할때랑 느낌이 또 다르다.

해야할 말이 명확하게 있는 비즈니스가 편하긴 더 편하군.

우선 쭉 해보자!




Why do we go away?




Q. If you had a chance to go back somewhere, which place would it be?

Why would you like to go there again?




I haven't experienced a lot of travel, so I will describe the place that i want to go.

First, I want to go golf trip. I want to round five times for five days in Jeju or Southeast Asia.

Second, I want to got lesson for ski and snowboard for two weeks in resort with leisure facilities.

Third, I want to attend on seminar (like CES or ETH Denver) and take a break and travel for one month.

Also, I didn't experienced the scale of America or another big countries, so I hope to do road-trip with self-driving car.




I haven't experienced a lot of travel, so I will describe the place that I want to go.

First, I want to go golf trip. I want to round five times for five days in Jeju or Southeast Asia.

Second, I want to got get ski and snowboard lessons for two weeks in resort with leisure facilities.

Third, I want to attend on seminar (like CES or ETH Denver) and take a break and travel for one month.

Also, I didn't havent experienced the scale of America or another other big countries, so I hope to do road-trip with self-driving car.




What have you been up to recently?


예찬 admiration, praise, admire

솔직한감정 in my honest feeling.

챙기다 take

휴학 a year off, a time off.

불편함 inconvinience


이런 전제가 필요했다.

This premise was needed.

This part should be met.

This part needs to be met.


3/4 three-fourth.


계속 이야기 해주세요. 

please keep going

countinue what you're saying.


'외국어 > 영어(유폰)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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