

무말랭이 2022. 3. 7. 22:11

내가 한글로 자주 하는 표현들이 있다.

그 표현들을 영어로 부드럽게 내뱉을 수 있도록.


writing에서 복수로 썼어야 하는 표현을 단수로 많이 썼네.




badly 서투르게, 틀리게

ally 동족

beg 부탁하다 애원하다

mind 결정


sports will teach you to be strong.

You'll discover the power and grace of your body.




Q. How do you resolve conflict and differences among your friends?




I think I usually don't get trouble with my friends or colleague. There are two reason.

First, I tend to try to understand them. Everybody and them action have a reason.

Second, I have a realationship with wide and shallow rather than narrow and deeper.

People that get along with me in the long run, stays with me, even if i don't try.

Recently, I have some thought about relationship, this writing helps me to encourage.




I think I usually don't get trouble with my friends or colleagues. There are two reasons.

First, I tend to try to understand them. Everyone has a reason for their actions.

Second, I have a wide and shallow relationships rather than narrow and deep ones.

People that get along with me in the long run, stays with me, even if i don't try.

Recently, I have some thought about relationships, this writing encourages me.




구기종목 ball game

산책 walk

맥락 context

build our character 인격을 형성하다.


get trouble to choose between A and B.

I'm having a trouble to choose between.

I find it challenging to choose between.

무릎 Knee


Immerse(Immersed), Focus, Concentrate

흠뻑 빠지다 I'm so into it.



'외국어 > 영어(유폰)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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