

무말랭이 2022. 2. 22. 23:43

오늘부터 주제는 이메일

쿠폰 써서 한타임 더 잡아서 진행해보기로.


[유폰 11일차]


in reponse to ~에 대응하여

cater to ~의 구미에 맞추다

round-the-clock 24시간

run out of 소진되다

amenities 편의시설

complimentary 무료의

rush back to 급히 돌아가다


Let me know if you'd like me to make a reservation for you at the Stamford.


endorse 보증하다

보증서 (letter of) guarantee, warranty

명품 Luxury goods




Q. Write an e-mail to your boss and recommend a hotel for a business trip.


Title : Hotel Recommendation


Hi. I'm Aiden.


I heard that you will go business trip to Seoul in next weekends.

I heard that you will be on a business trip to Seoul next weekend.

I knew late that the theme of the workshop is about the blockchain,

If i had known in advance, maybe i would have attended too.


I hope you enjoy the trip, and write this email for recommendation of the hotel.

I hope you enjoy the trip, and I am writing this email to recommend a hotel.

There could be three options, [1] A, [2] B and [3] C.

A seems to be chosen by many people because of the most appropriate distance and cost from the tower.

And I have gone B, It was also good for it's business center was so powerful, and i satisfied very much.

And I went to B, It was also good because its business center was so powerful, and i was very satisfied.

And my colleague next to me recommended the C, to quote her, it's phenomenal but a bit over the top.

And my colleague next to me recommended the C. To quote her, it's phenomenal but a bit over the top.


I hope my recommendation could helpful for you and you enjoy your trip.

I hope my recommendation can be helpful to you and that you enjoy your trip.

Thank you.




동감하다. I agree.


i have went -> i have gone.

현재완료 표현뒤에 과거가 아니고 pp


애인 love, lover, girl/boy friend

go on a date

fair 박람회


A walk in the neighborhood.


such a shame = it's too sad.

That was close. = 십년감수했다.

That was close call. = 동일

I'd almost forgotten. = 까먹을 뻔 했다.


have a meal = 식사를 하다.

run a restaurant = 식당을 운영하다

restaurant = 큰 식당

diner, bistro = 작은 식당


... is/are noted for ... ~로 유명하다.


choice, option, selection.


spices 향신료spice up 향신료를 치다.


To be frankly -> to be frank.


it's wonderful = it's phenomenal.it's a little-bit expensive. = The cost is a bit over the top.


[유폰 12일차]


accountant 회계사

credentials 자격/자격증

shortlist 최종후보자명단에넣다


we have shortlisted you as a strong candidate.

i would like to meet with you at our office to further discuss the accountant position.


at your earliest convenience = 가급적 빨리

at your convenience = 편하실 때

What is the best time for you. 언제 가능하신가여




Q. You would like to interview an owner of a succesful restaurant.

Write an email saying that you would like to meet her at her restaurant.


Title : Interview request, from your fan.

Title : Interview Request From Your Fan


Hi. I'm Aiden, I usually goes to your restaurant at every Friday. Can you remember me?

Hi. I'm Aiden Kang. I usually go to your restaurant every Friday. Can you remember me?

I inform you a news that I opened my diner, a small wine bar at 423 streets.

I would like to inform you a news. I opened my wine bar, a small one at 423 Street.

Usually, I love your cafe very much. But, during the preparation period for my business,

I undoubtedly love your cafe very much. But during the preparation period of my business,

I happen to think that your cafe is much more wonderful and your skill was very gorgeous.

I happened to think that your cafe is much more wonderful, and your skills are outstanding.

If you have spare time or something, could you give me some time for a coffee-chat?

If you have spare time or something, can you give me some time for a coffee chat?

If you can, please tell me what time is best suitable for you. I'll try to meet your schedule.

If you can, please tell me what time is your preferred schedule. I'll try to meet your schedule.


Best regards, Aiden, Your restaurant's fan regular customer.

Best regards,

Aiden Kang.




어필 appeal 

I made an appeal to Olivia to recruit her.


다소 somewhat

closed it down 접었다

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