외국어/영어(유폰) 72


Junk Food [유폰] voracious 식욕이 왕성한 grab a bite 간단히 먹다 thaw 해동시키다 comfort food 위안이 되는 음식 nutritious 영양가 높은 --- Q. Imagine you have a friend who consumes junk food every day. How would you persuade him/her to stop eating junk food? (before) I'm nowadays try to eat food which made of healthy ingredient. I live alone, so it's easy to eat a lot of not unhealthy food, moreover, if I eat normal food, its..


너무 자유도가 높으니깐 [유폰] lending and borrowing money 금전문제 put some distance 둘 사이를 멀어지게 하다. unknowingly 모르고 friendly argument 선의의 논쟁 --- Q. How often do you get into an argument with your friends? (before) I usually don't get into a trouble and make some argument with friends and also girlfriend, because I could put up with and think 'That's possible.' in almost situation. That's a big advantage. But, i..


그냥 많이 하는게 중요하다! [유폰] notion 개념, 생각 intertwine 밀접하게 관련되어 있다. be obliged to 하는 수 없이 ~ 하다 in my book 내 의견으로는 --- I'm probably the only person in the world that ... I disagree with the notion that ... I'm still not seeing eye to eye with you on this one. --- Q. Tell me about the moviegoing habits of Koreans. What three major or unique things have you observed in your moviegoing culture? (before) I l..


유폰 휴강일이네 ㅇㅅㅇ [유폰] debunk 폭로하다 predominantly 지배적으로, 주로 believe it or not 믿거나말거나 --- Q. Why do you think so many people watch TV? (before) The reason that people watch TV could be a boredom of the life. Some people may think and feel "life is exciting and challenging", but most are not. In evening, after working, they want to remove thinking and be apart from routine, so get into a TV. Ofcourse wh..


On the Educational System [유폰] become extreme 심해지다 education fever 교육열 live off ~의 경제적 도움으로 살다 turn over 물려주다 schooling 학교 교육 ascent of status 신분상승 --- Q. Do you think parents in your country place too much emphasis on education? (before) I agree to thesis that parents in Korea place emphasis on education. But, I think it is the problem of not only education but also general competition. The bir..


Banking [유폰] direct debit 자동이체 wire money 돈을 송금하다 saving account 입출금통장 term deposit 정기적금 pin number 비밀번호 some penny-pinching 구두쇠의 --- Q. How did online banking change our banking industry. A. (before) Online banking made a big impact to the industry and also the entire world. It is not only an industrial-change but also the fintech revolution, because financial system is so much big that could b..


Household chores. [유폰] stock the refrigerator 냉장고 정리하다 water purifier 정수기 wall-mounted 벽에 고정된 do the laundry 빨래하다 seperate the garbage 분리수거하다 --- Q. What household chore do you find the most challenging? A. (Before) I think the hardest point of the house chore is 'doing everyday'. For example, laundry is not so hard, because I need to do that once at week. But rearrangement after doing something..