외국어/영어(유폰) 72


확실히 OPIC 해보고 유폰 하다보니깐 어떤 부분의 실력을 늘려야 할지 알겠다 [유폰] ridge 산등성이 scenery 장면, 경치 aisle seat 복도자리 --- I make sure my laptop carries all the documents and files I'll be needing on the trip. First of all, I always pack my laptop. --- Q. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? A. (before) It could be depends on situations, I prefer to with someone than alone. Usually, I really like to be alone. But ..


확실히 많이 생각한 주제로 대화 나누려니깐 훨씬 편하다. 콘텐츠도 중요. [유폰] get fit 건강해지다 abdominal workout 배 운동 treadmill 런닝머신 get the blood pumping (보통 운동 후에) 활기차게 하다 seasoned runner. 재활 치료 Rehabilitation 비유 metaphor figure of speech, compare (A to B), (formal) liken (A to B) go for it --- Q. Give some reasons why jogging is beneficial to our health. A. (before) First of all, doing an excercise itself is beneficial to our ..


오픽으로 충격받고, 저녁에 정신 없어서 못했었음. 다시다시 고잉고잉! [유폰] roomy 널찍한 airy 통풍이 잘되는 pack rat 별로 필요도 없는 것들을 모아 놓는 사람 cramped 답답한 reluctant 꺼리는, 마지못한, 주저하는 I prefer a dog to a cat. Surrounding the wall are bookshelves filled with books. --- Q. If you could redecorate your house, how would you do it? A. (before) It is very important issue for me because my room is already full, too. I think i'm a quite maximalist, ..


repetition is the key to mastery. [유폰] tearjerker 눈물이 나는 이야기 fend 갈라지다 human trafficking ring 인신매매 조직 prostitution 매춘, 매음 worldly responsibilities 세속적 책임 paraphrasing 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하다 --- Q. How can films affect one's culture? A. (before) First of all, I give a big applause to contents makers. Contents can deliver huge message or various story in one film. Films, in that sense, are very good messe..


몇일 너무 바빠서 못했음. 다시 꾸준히! [유폰] I used to take my health for granted. It's difficult to stick to this rule for me. back on one's feet. 일어서다. overpass 고가도로, 육교, 다리. Diarrhea 설사 Diagnose 진단하다 My mood changes from happy to angry witin minutes. --- Q. What are the benefits of regular physical activity? (before) Doing regular excercise is very important routine at least for me. I'm quite a workaholic, so..

유폰 - 25일/26일차

단어가 안 떠오르는 순간이 생각보다 많았음사전 의존을 더 줄여야겠다더 깔끔하고 세련된 writing을 하고 싶은데 어떻게 하면 좋을까 [유폰] alley 뒷골목 toll booth 톨게이트부스 ramp 경사로 expressway 고속도로 pavement 포장도로 hit the road 길을 나서다 opt to take a cap 택시를 타기로 선택하다 --- Q. Share some ideas on how to improve the traffic situation in your area. (before) The traffic problem in Seoul is always have a lot of troubles. Because there are too many people who lives in not..


평범! 사전 쓰는 횟수를 더 줄이자. 내가 말하고 싶은 표현을 말하는 법을 익혀야함. [유폰] take care of work 일을 처리하다 mundane 재미없는, 일상적인 --- Q. Why is it important to know about a country's culture before going on a business trip abroad? (before) If you meets a client of that country, you always needs to be somewhat polite. So understanding the basic culture of the country is needed. If you haven't prepare it, you could be rude unint..


말을 하는 절대 시간과 노출양을 더 늘려야겠다. 쓰는 문장 구조를 조금 더 다변화 하기 위해서는 더 외워야 할 것 같다. 시제, 가정법 등 조금 더 복잡한 구조에 익숙해지게끔 초점을 맞추자. 근데 아직 이걸 시스템적으로 당장 할만한 방법은 보이지 않으니, 우선 시간을 늘리며 의식하자. [유폰] Q. What are the advantages of working in the same company for years? (before) Today, I heard some news about some marketers in market. They change jobs for 3-months intervals. There are mainly two reasons, annual salary negotiation a..


어우 오늘 당 딸린다 ... 체력이 부족해 ... [유폰] Self Introduction - OPIC 1st scrivener 법무사 withdrawn 내성적인 clerk 사무원 earnest 진지한 considerate 이해심이 많은 --- Q. Give some tips on how to introduce yourself professionally. (before) I haven't thought about professionally introducing someone or myself. Also when I heard this question, I suddenly get wonder that what does 'professionalism' mean. Having a good career? or ..