

무말랭이 2022. 3. 15. 08:12

말을 하는 절대 시간과 노출양을 더 늘려야겠다.

쓰는 문장 구조를 조금 더 다변화 하기 위해서는 더 외워야 할 것 같다.
시제, 가정법 등 조금 더 복잡한 구조에 익숙해지게끔 초점을 맞추자.
근데 아직 이걸 시스템적으로 당장 할만한 방법은 보이지 않으니, 우선 시간을 늘리며 의식하자.


Q. What are the advantages of working in the same company for years?




Today, I heard some news about some marketers in market.
They change jobs for 3-months intervals.
There are mainly two reasons, annual salary negotiation and career log.
For example, if someone work in Coupang for 3 months, then he/she become 'marketer from Coupang'.
To work for a short time, could have some advantages, but it focused on 'making some performances'.
I somewhat agree because I also want to do some various and interesting projects.
But in my think, that trend show the big movement that people getting somewhat worldly and light.




Today, I heard some news about some marketers in market.
They change jobs in three-month intervals.
There are mainly two reasons : annual salary negotiation and career log.
For example, if someone work in Coupang for 3 months, then he/she become 'marketer from Coupang'.
Working for a short time, could have some advantages, but it focused on results.
I somewhat agree because I also want to do some various and interesting projects.
But in my opinion, that trend shows the big movement of people getting somewhat worldly and light.


take up a challenge
it was founded
found / set up / establish
attend the office


I got infected by corona virus. (안걸렸음!)
I am in my thired year of college.
It could be helpful = It could be beneficial.

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