
유폰 - 25일/26일차

무말랭이 2022. 3. 19. 14:19

단어가 안 떠오르는 순간이 생각보다 많았음사전 의존을 더 줄여야겠다더 깔끔하고 세련된 writing을 하고 싶은데 어떻게 하면 좋을까




alley 뒷골목

toll booth 톨게이트부스

ramp 경사로

expressway 고속도로

pavement 포장도로


hit the road 길을 나서다

opt to take a cap 택시를 타기로 선택하다




Q. Share some ideas on how to improve the traffic situation in your area.




The traffic problem in Seoul is always have a lot of troubles.

Because there are too many people who lives in not too big region.

Fortunately, there exist various kind of transportation like buses and subways.

Despite of this advantage of city, many people use cars, so it makes problems.

Traffic problems like rush-hour is a big problem. Also, parking issue is big one too.

I think the solution of this could be ride-sharing/hailing programs. (f,e. Taxi, Tada)




The traffic problem in Seoul always has a lot of trouble because too many people live in a not too big region.

Fortunately, there exist various kinds of transportation like buses and subways.

Despite of this advantage of the city, many people use cars, so it makes problems.

Traffic problems like rush-hour are a big problem. Also, the parking issue is a big one too.

I think the solution to this could be ride-sharing/hailing programs. (f,e. Taxi, Tada)




과제 task, asssignment, homework

외곽 outskirts, suburb


서울 외곽 순환도로 

a beltway around Seoul


퇴근시간 quitting time


차에 타다 get into the car

차에서 내리다 get out of the car


비교하다 compare


At least 적어도


약 about around

Its cost is around $1.

Its cost is about $1.



The restaurant was packed.

그 식당에는 사람들이 꽉 들어차 있었다.



줄 수 있는; 입수 가능한, <가격이> 알맞은




metropolis 주요도시

seperate the garbage 분리수거를 하다

a wealthy neighborhood 부촌


home-cooked meal 집밥/가정식

customary 관례


outfit 옷




Q. Describe your ideal neighborhood.






I bring up my puppy.

conscientious [콘센셔스]


You got it.

Go ahead.





conscientious = careful = thoughtful


puppy kindergartens

obedience class (사전에는 '복종 계급' 이라 나오네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

조금 더 큰 강아지들이 훈련 받거나 하는 수업 등등


(일자) job, work;

(일터) office, workplace, place of work[employment]


사회초년생 newcomer to society


차분하다 calm

swimmingly 순조롭게

'외국어 > 영어(유폰)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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