

무말랭이 2022. 3. 15. 22:21


사전 쓰는 횟수를 더 줄이자.

내가 말하고 싶은 표현을 말하는 법을 익혀야함.




take care of work 일을 처리하다

mundane 재미없는, 일상적인




Q. Why is it important to know about a country's culture before going on a business trip abroad?




If you meets a client of that country, you always needs to be somewhat polite.

So understanding the basic culture of the country is needed.

If you haven't prepare it, you could be rude unintentially.

I recommend you that do some research or light sightseeing in advance.

That study or experience could largely make a impact for your perspective.




If you meets a client from that country, you always needs to be somewhat polite.

So understanding the basic culture of the country is needed.

If you don't prepare it, you might be rude unintentionally.

I recommend you that do some research or light sightseeing in advance.

That study or experience could largely make a impact for on your perspective.




Nope -> None

go sightseeing

go for it = decide to something = go forth

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