

무말랭이 2022. 3. 11. 22:24

어우 오늘 당 딸린다 ... 체력이 부족해 ...




Self Introduction - OPIC 1st


scrivener 법무사

withdrawn 내성적인

clerk 사무원

earnest 진지한

considerate 이해심이 많은




Q. Give some tips on how to introduce yourself professionally.




I haven't thought about professionally introducing someone or myself.

Also when I heard this question, I suddenly get wonder that what does 'professionalism' mean.

Having a good career? or having nice degree? or some achievement experience?

I searched about that. I found two answer.

The first one is 'expert at some work or area, beyond amateur.' 

and the second one is 'someone who make something getting done.'

I more agree to second definition, but I think I'm a little bit not enough at specialty. 

So, I need to make myself more professional.




I haven't thought about professionally introducing someone or myself.

Also, when i read this question, i suddenly wondered what 'professionalism' means.

Having a good career? or having nice degree? or some achievement experience?

I searched about that. I found two answers.

The first one is 'expert at some work or area, beyond amateur.' 

and the second one is 'someone who makes something getting done.'

I agree with the second meaning more.

I believe I am lacking in specialization nowadays. So, I need to make myself more professional.




대표 representative (not reepresentator)


It lives up to my expectation. 그것은 내 기대 이상이었다.

He can rise to the occasion. 그는 임기응변으로 대처할 수 있다.


매출 sales 

보조금 aid (not aids)


1학년 freshmen in university

2학년 sophomore in university

3학년 junior in university

4학년 senior in university

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