

무말랭이 2022. 3. 23. 22:52

몇일 너무 바빠서 못했음. 다시 꾸준히!




I used to take my health for granted.

It's difficult to stick to this rule for me.


back on one's feet. 일어서다.

overpass 고가도로, 육교, 다리.


Diarrhea 설사

Diagnose 진단하다


My mood changes from happy to angry witin minutes.




Q. What are the benefits of regular physical activity?




Doing regular excercise is very important routine at least for me.

I'm quite a workaholic, so health and work-stamina are important issues.

I go swimming once everyday for 1~2 hours. It makes positive impacts for me.

But I feel it is not enough, some more excercise needed for very good health.

Also, NOT DOING unhealthy things (ex. alcoholic drink, smoking, ...) is more important than that.

Nowadays, I felt eating well, healthy, natural, unprocessed food is very important too.




Exercising regularly is a very important routine at least for me.

I'm quite a workaholic, so health and work-stamina are important issues factors.

I go swimming once everyday for one to two hours. It has a positive impact on me.

But I feel it is not enough. Excercising some more is necessary for very good health.

Also, not doing unhealthy things (ex. drink alcohol/beer, smoking, ...) is more important than that.

Nowadays, I feel eating well, healthy, natural, unprocessed food is very important too.




It's not hard for me.

(육체적으로) hard, backbreaking, strenuous

상갓집 funeral

왕복 a round trip





in the sense that

  • She’s a feminist, in the broadest sense of the word.그녀는 가장 일반적인 의미에서 페미니스트이다.
  • It was irrational in every sense.모든 의미에서 이치에 어긋났어.
  • The experience of mystic trance is in a sense analogous to sleep or drunkenness.신비로운 황홀감의 경험은 어떤 의미에서 잠이나 술에 젖은 상태와 비슷하다.
  • They're also a team in every true sense of the word.그들은 진정한 의미에서 한 팀입니다.
  • I'm not a vegetarian in the strictest sense.엄밀한 의미에서 나는 채식주의자는 아니다



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