

무말랭이 2022. 3. 25. 22:25

repetition is the key to mastery.




tearjerker 눈물이 나는 이야기

fend 갈라지다

human trafficking ring 인신매매 조직

prostitution 매춘, 매음

worldly responsibilities 세속적 책임

paraphrasing 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현하다




Q. How can films affect one's culture?


A. (before)


First of all, I give a big applause to contents makers.

Contents can deliver huge message or various story in one film.

Films, in that sense, are very good messengers to deliver something between another person of culture.

There are good Korean movies (like Parasite, Minari, Squid Game, ...) that hit the jackpot in global.

Also, vice versa, I watched a lot of global movies in theater or OTT(like Netflix). (I love both korean and global)

The power that describe the culture is so powerful that I like to watch various movies.

Even if, there exist this sentence, 'The movie that watched a lot in teenager can show many things about that person.'


A. (after)


수정된 버전이 뭔가 오히려 더 이상한 것 같아서 패스.




귀납적으로 inductively

time and space 시공간


space 우주 (outer space, universe)

space 공간


Differentiate. 구별하다 (=distinguish)


관객 Audience


take the action (not, make the action)


주인공 Main character

보수와 진보 remuneration and progress

개별적인 individual 


the movie was just shown to me. (이렇게 표현할 수도 있구나?)

titled ~라는 제목의

'외국어 > 영어(유폰)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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