외국어 99


말을 하는 절대 시간과 노출양을 더 늘려야겠다. 쓰는 문장 구조를 조금 더 다변화 하기 위해서는 더 외워야 할 것 같다. 시제, 가정법 등 조금 더 복잡한 구조에 익숙해지게끔 초점을 맞추자. 근데 아직 이걸 시스템적으로 당장 할만한 방법은 보이지 않으니, 우선 시간을 늘리며 의식하자. [유폰] Q. What are the advantages of working in the same company for years? (before) Today, I heard some news about some marketers in market. They change jobs for 3-months intervals. There are mainly two reasons, annual salary negotiation a..


어우 오늘 당 딸린다 ... 체력이 부족해 ... [유폰] Self Introduction - OPIC 1st scrivener 법무사 withdrawn 내성적인 clerk 사무원 earnest 진지한 considerate 이해심이 많은 --- Q. Give some tips on how to introduce yourself professionally. (before) I haven't thought about professionally introducing someone or myself. Also when I heard this question, I suddenly get wonder that what does 'professionalism' mean. Having a good career? or ..


내가 쓰는 문장구조가, 어느정도 제한된 느낌. 조금 더 native한 문장구조를 많이 익혀나가야겠다. [유폰] Maybe I destroyed the game. --- Q. Please state your opinion about whether or not athletes should be paid so much money. (before) I think getting high salary of some favorite athletes is not so much special. I agree some. Because the market they are in is influencer and talent market. And also, many entrepreneur and capitalist earn mo..


광고를 학습 콘텐츠로 선택한 것이, 생각보다 그리 재미있지는 않다. [유폰] get over 극복하다 deep end 수심이 깊은 쪽 mess up 실수하다, 망치다 Standing there at the stage door to the rest of your life. --- Q. What is something you haven't done that you really want to do at least once in your life? (Before) I want to make a great company, solve the problems and make the world more better. I have experienced company building once, but i found som..


내가 한글로 자주 하는 표현들이 있다. 그 표현들을 영어로 부드럽게 내뱉을 수 있도록. writing에서 복수로 썼어야 하는 표현을 단수로 많이 썼네. [유폰] badly 서투르게, 틀리게 ally 동족 beg 부탁하다 애원하다 mind 결정 sports will teach you to be strong. You'll discover the power and grace of your body. --- Q. How do you resolve conflict and differences among your friends? (before) I think I usually don't get trouble with my friends or colleague. There are two reason. First, I..


주제를 '광고 내 표현'으로 바꿈. 확실히 '비즈니스' 영어할때랑 느낌이 또 다르다. 해야할 말이 명확하게 있는 비즈니스가 편하긴 더 편하군. 우선 쭉 해보자! [유폰] Why do we go away? --- Q. If you had a chance to go back somewhere, which place would it be? Why would you like to go there again? (before) I haven't experienced a lot of travel, so I will describe the place that i want to go. First, I want to go golf trip. I want to round five times for five days in J..


너무 비즈니스만 계속 하니깐 머리 아프다. 오늘 지나면 잠시 다른 주제로 바꿨다 와야지 ... + 오늘 것은 주제설정 자동으로 되어서 너무 쉽기도 했다. [유폰] Kudos! 찬사를 보낸다! --- Ms. Smith is not in the office. speak to ~와 통화하다, 말하다. How may I help you Who's calling, please? This is urgent. Is there any way you can persuade him to do it? When the person you're looking for is not around, what do you do? Is there any way I can speak to the person in charge? You co..